Tartu heliomeeter * * * Tartu heliometer
Tartu heliomeeter
firmalt Repsold ja Pojad (1873. a.) oli algselt mõeldud päikesevarjutuse faasi mõmõtmiseks. Riista idee on tekitada samast objektist kaks kujutist,
mida on võimalik teineteise suhtes nihutada ja nihke ulatust mõõta.
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Tartu heliometer
(1873. Repsold & Sons ) was initially designed for measuring phase of solar eclipse. It has splitted objective, which can create two precise measured shiftable images from one object.
Venus transit over Sun was twice (9. dec. 1874. Nertshinsky Zavod, Siberia and 6. dec 1882. Caribean Martinique Island) observed with this heliometer.