Jupiter, 2011/08/24

Pilte tähistaevast, Kuust, Päikesest, planeetidest, süvataeva objektidest. Nõuanded pildistamiseks.

Jupiter, 2011/08/24

PostitusPostitas DzmitryK » 25 August 2011, 14:19

May I post my image here?
It was taken early in the morning, August 24 from balkony of my Tallinn's apartment.
It is my first shot on Jupiter this year (and the first capture from Estonia also). Fortunately, the skies were incredible steady.
I used TAL-250K telescope, Basler acA640-100gm monochrome CCD and Baader RGB CCD-filters. Processed in Registax 5.
130% of original size.

Clear skies,

PS. Sorry for English, but I don't speak Estonian...
(147.35 KB) Alla laetud 1948 korda
Postitusi: 23
Liitunud: 06 Juuni 2011, 22:40
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Jupiter, 2011/08/24

PostitusPostitas mart » 26 August 2011, 11:25

Welcome to astronoomia.ee. Teretulemast foorumisse.
This is really good image and I am already waiting for the next one. :)
Pardon my ignorance but why do you have "@ f/21" on the image?

Pilt on tõesti vägev.
Postitusi: 326
Liitunud: 21 Märts 2010, 12:53

Re: Jupiter, 2011/08/24

PostitusPostitas DzmitryK » 26 August 2011, 17:02

I captured 4 RGB-sets 10 min apart, so I'm going to make a short animation also.
"@ f/21" means that the telescope worked at f/21 focal ratio. I used 2x Barlow (actually worked as ~2.5x with the CCD-camera) to increase the focal length.
Postitusi: 23
Liitunud: 06 Juuni 2011, 22:40
Asukoht: Tallinn

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