Müüa teleskoop Tal-1, UUS, tootja pakendis. Väga korralik optika, sobilik amatöörile, koolile, huviringile.
Magnification (with Optics Supplied): x32, x64, x80, x160
Highest Practical Power (Potential): x275
Diameter of Primary Mirror: 110mm
Telescope Focal Length: 806mm (f/7.3)
Eyepieces Supplied (1.25"): 10mm and 25mm Plossls
x2 Barlow Lens
6x30 Finderscope
Rack and Pinion Focusing (1.25")
German Equatorial Mount with Slow Motion Controls
Heavy Duty Pedestal Stand with Built-in Vibration Suppression Pads
+ kaasas ka päikeseekraan, erinevad filtrid ja fotoaparaadi alus!
Asun Tallinnas, vajadusel transport!
Hind: 300Eur