Jupiter, 2011/08/28

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Jupiter, 2011/08/28

PostitusPostitas DzmitryK » 03 September 2011, 22:02

Finally, I've processed Jupiter images from August, 28th. Seeing conditions were moderate, so the processing was more laborious... But I had enough time to accomplish it due to bad weather :) The GRS was finally captured this time.
(154.46 KB) Alla laetud 1835 korda
Postitusi: 23
Liitunud: 06 Juuni 2011, 22:40
Asukoht: Tallinn

Re: Jupiter, 2011/08/28

PostitusPostitas DzmitryK » 03 September 2011, 22:11

And once more animation in near IR, captured while waiting for better seeing...
Io enters Jovian shadow.
One of the RGB-images was used to make color.
The animation was made from 11 separate images, taken 2 min apart.

Postitusi: 23
Liitunud: 06 Juuni 2011, 22:40
Asukoht: Tallinn

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